Reach your full potential

I will help you Achieve success

I know you guys may be struggling with your health and fitness.  You may have low energy, may be dealing with chronic injuries or even diseases.  You may not be sure how to get healthy and how to get strong.  

I completely understand where you are coming from because I have been there before, unable to get healthy and unable to progress with my fitness.  

After years of consistent effort and hard work I have found the formula to helping you overcome your struggles and achieving the fitness success you have always wanted.  I have had clients with chronic injuries, Crohn’s disease and low mood/motivation and they have all achieved success.     

I’m not a genetic freak, I haven’t been lifting weights since I was 12.. I am just guy who learned how to get healthy and fit from the ground up and now I am ready to pass on this information to you.  

There are two options for my services: 

1) Private coaching.   1-1 calls with me, a customized program, nutrition plan.  This GARAUNTEES you success.  

2) Join the online school + community.  You will get access to a full course with 7 modules updated monthly and be able to interact with myself and the other members of Ice Dragon Training in our private network.  

You can start TODAY



My clients include former athletes, people with Crohn’s disease, those with low mood and motivational issues and guys who simply wanted to push their training to the next level and achieve high level results. 

My system is designed to help anyone achieve success from the bottom up.   


Ice Dragon Training is a system containing 7 modules that encompass the key elements for health and fitness.  You can read about them below.  

Cold and Heat Training

One of the most potent ways to control your nervous system, immune system, energy levels, healing blood flow and inflammatory markers in your body is to do cold/heat contrast therapy.  

This is one thing that the physical therapist dabble in; however, they do not use the full power of the cold and the heat.  

The key is not to localize the cold and the heat to the injured area, but instead to practice FULL BODY cold and heat immersion by going into ice baths and saunas.    

We start off gradually, slowly acclimating you to the full range of temperatures that the human body was designed to handle and build up your conditioning to the cold and the heat.  Throughout this journey, you will tap into states of euphoria, energy and calm that you did not think was possible before.

And you will discover one of the keys to managing any health issue that may come up. 


The Yogis call this Pranayama. Meaning life energy control.  And although it may seem like “woo-woo” stuff, breathwork is actually one of the most potent ways to activate adrenaline in the body.  Adrenaline is the driving force behind the blood flow that will ultimately help you recovery, and practicing this breathwork over time will permanently change the way your body reacts to stress.  

Like with the cold and heat you will experience great moments of euphoria and energy and also calm.

Strength Training

Although building muscle and strength is usually associated with bodybuilding aesthetics – there is new cutting edge research that muscle mass is directly correlated with your health and longevity.

Proper strength training – at the gym and at home – will have tremendous benefits for your hormone levels, bone density, confidence and stability. We have a cutting edge strength training module within the program – giving you all the tools to build strength and muscle, no matter what level you begin from.  


What you feed your body has a large impact on its performance. There are many theories about the best diets – some people are vegan, some people eat carnivore, some are keto – however what’s clear to every one is that you need to prioritize high protein intake in your diet, correct caloric intake, proper balance of micronutrients and eat mostly clean, whole foods.

We will show you how to properly plan a diet, calculate macros, avoid foods that cause you issues, eat high protein and give yourself the right fuel to power your recovery.

Rest and Recovery

Absolutely essential to the performance of the body is proper rest and recovery. The most cutting edge and up to date methods for achieving optimal recovery can be found in this program – so you will never have sleepless nights again, so you always feel rested and ready to give it your all in the day.


Even the best laid plans can be undone by bad habits. There are so many habits that the average person does on a daily basis that wreck their motivation and their life’s energy, and we have lessons dedicated towards elucidating to you these bad habits and giving you the tools to move beyond them.

We also show you positive, empowering habits you can adopt that over time will compound into you becoming a strong and powerful person.


There is something powerful that happens when you practice all of the right training methods, when you are disciplined with your diet and your habits and when you begin to tap into your primal power.

Your mind goes from being your worst enemy to your best friend. You are able to summon adrenaline at will and put your body into performance mode. You have unlocked a new level in your mind.

That is the end goal of Ice Dragon Training – where you have legitimately made a transformation not only in your body, but also your mind and your very DNA. Where sitting on the couch instead of going for a walk feels impossible. You are filled with too much energy.

The choice is yours

Do you want a life full of strength, good health and joy? Or do you want to stay injured. Spend your life watching others perofmr, never achieving an ounce of your full potential.     

My system come from real transformation. You can’t just wait for life to happen. You need to TRAIN and you need a system that has proven results.


In this school you will learn how to master every aspect of your health and fitness and be a part of a community others on the same journey as you.  Monthly updated lessons and communication directly with me through private messaging.  

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Private Coaching is the ultimate way to learn from the best.  I offer online coaching, so where ever you are in the world you can train.  

Sign up below for my free newsletter with daily updates and motivational tips on how you can conquer your ailments and feel alive again.